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How to Unblock Your Ears: Essential Winter Tips

Post on 13th January 2025

As winter viruses sweep across the UK, many of us are experiencing that frustrating sensation of blocked ears, which can be both uncomfortable and concerning.

In rare cases, a viral infection like the common cold or flu, especially when left untreated, can result in complications that lead to hearing loss.

At Scrivens Opticians & Hearing Care, with over 85 years of experience in eye and hearing health, we explain what causes our ears to pop and top tips on how to unpop them safely to relieve the pressure and restore normal hearing.

What causes ear popping?

Your ears pop to balance air pressure between your outer and middle ear. This happens through the Eustachian tube, which connects your middle ear to the back of your nose. When you yawn, swallow, or blow your nose, this tube opens to equalise the pressure.

We are all familiar with our ears popping when we fly, but sometimes this happens without any altitude changes.  This could be due to Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, often caused by colds or allergies that block the air flow to your ears.

Simple Methods to Unblock Your Ears Safely

Most of the time, the change in pressure within your ears can be relieved through a series of gentle, effective techniques. Here’s how to restore your hearing comfort safely:

  • Yawning and swallowing are your body’s natural ways of equalising ear pressure. Try this first, as it’s often all you need to do. If you’re congested from a winter cold, this may need to be repeated several times.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on a boiled sweet, can help trigger the natural swallowing reflex. This is particularly useful when you’re dealing with seasonal congestion.
  • Gently pinch your nostrils, keep your mouth shut and very softly blow as if you’re blowing your nose. Remember – gentle pressure is key here!


Tips For Preventing Ear Problems

If you have a cold or other form of winter virus, the build-up of mucus can cause your ears to pop and even lead to earache.  However, there are preventative things you can do to help prevent ear problems or unpop your ears if they are blocked.

  • Use decongestants or antihistamines if you have a cold
  • Try having a hot shower or steam bath to clear congestion
  • Exercise can help by increasing breathing rate
  • Stay hydrated – this is crucial, especially when you’re fighting off winter bugs. A good intake of water helps maintain the moisture levels in your ears and can help thin any congestion that might be causing blockage


When to Seek Medical Help

While most cases of blocked ears clear up on their own, you should seek medical advice from your chemist or GP if:

  • You experience significant pain
  • Your hearing becomes notably worse
  • You feel dizzy or unsteady
  • You notice any fluid coming from your ear
  • The blockage persists for more than a few days
  • You have a fever alongside ear discomfort
  • You have difficulty hearing


What Your Doctor Can Check For:

  • Ear infections
  • Wax build-up – although most GP practices no longer offer an ear wax removal service, your high street opticians, such as Scrivens Opticians & Hearing Care, will offer the service for a small fee
  • Glue ear
  • Other conditions affecting your Eustachian tubes

Given the prevalence of winter viruses, it’s particularly important to monitor any ear symptoms that accompany colds or flu. If you have any concerns about your hearing health, you will find help and advice on our website or alternatively visit your local Scrivens branch.

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