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Children have their eyes on the prize

Post on 7th October 2022

Well done to the creative children whose colourful entries in our national ‘design a book cover’ competition caught the judges’ eyes.

Overall winner Ivy-Mae Hughson, aged six, was presented with a collection of classic children’s books, a notebook with her design on the front and a selection of art supplies, including crayons, pencils and markers.

She entered the competition at her local Scrivens branch in Cotteridge where staff have been looking after her eye care since she was three years old.

Eli, Ruby Runners up

Regional winners Eli Harvey, aged six, and Ruby Pickering, aged 11, received prizes of books and notebooks featuring their designs at their local branches in Penistone and Rugby respectively.

Youngsters were invited to submit their entries on a tropical parrots theme, with all entry proceeds from the £1 suggested donation going to Alzheimer’s Society.  Scrivens is a long-time supporter of the charity.