Noteworthy 40 years of service form Deborah
Post on 16th April 2019
A popular dispensing optician who now sees the grandchildren of some of her original customers has celebrated 40 years at our Newquay branch.
Deborah McLean was congratulated by colleagues and presented with flowers at Varnals Opticians (Part of the Scrivens group) on East Street and will receive a piano as a gift to recognise her loyal service.
Deborah, who qualified as a dispensing optician in 1982 and as a contact lens optician in 2004, said: “I enjoy helping people and I work with a great team who feel like a family. I have built up good relationships with customers over the years and am now seeing their children and grandchildren.
“The biggest change has been computerisation and advances in technology but the importance of good customer service has not changed.”
As her long service gift Deborah chose a Yamaha digital piano and hopes to improve her keyboard skills. Her son Connor, a music teacher who lives in York, is happy to advise her.
Area manager Victoria Forster said: “Deborah is an integral part of the team at Newquay, working as both a dispensing and contact lens optician. She is popular with her colleagues and customers and deserves many congratulations as 40 years’ service is a great achievement.”