Don’t forget earplugs in your festival kit!
Post on 8th July 2019
As festival season kicks off this summer, thousands of music fans will be looking forward to an experience of a lifetime.
They’ll be wondering which performers will really rock the place and go down in festival folklore, what the unpredictable British summer will throw at them and what memories will be created.
Survival kits to make the most of this music marathon should include the likes of tents and sleeping bags, wellies and suncream, toilet rolls and torches, reusable water bottles and a few home comforts.
The official advice is to only bring what you need. While it may not sound rock ‘n’ roll, we would suggest putting earplugs on your pack list too.
For as the artists pump up the volume and you get lost in the music and atmosphere you may well need them. Otherwise the buzzing or ringing noise you may experience could be a sign of permanent damage and the more you expose yourself to sound that loud, the more damage you will do to your hearing.
Keeping your distance from speakers and limiting your exposure to loud music will help and so too will using good quality earplugs.
They are small, easy to pack and can be used again and again, allowing you to enjoy the sounds of any festival throughout the summer calendar, without risking your hearing.
Damage done cannot be undone so looking after your hearing is the cool thing to do.
Proguard makes custom fitting earplugs that are so comfortable and secure that you’ll forget you are wearing them.
We have a comprehensive range of earplugs that will protect your ears from damage no matter how noisy your environment. You can find out more from your local Scrivens branch.